
Different Levels of Teen Patti

Teen Patti is the card game which recently has became very popular in India. you can download it free from 9game!
Image result for poker
Highest priority
  • Trio i.e. all 3 cards of the same number i.e. 3 aces, or 3 kings
  • Color Sequence i.e. 3 cards of the same suit and in sequential order e.g. 6, 7, 8 of spades.
  • Simple Sequence i.e. 3 cards in sequential order but not necessarily of the same suit e.g. 6 of hearts, 7 of diamonds, 8 of clubs. Amongst sequences the highest sequence is Ace, 2 and 3. the next highest is Ace, King and Queen. After this are all sequences is order of the cards i.e. next is King, Queen and jack and then is Queen, Jack and 10 and so on.
  • Color i.e. 3 cards of the same color (i.e. same suit), but not in sequential order e.g. 4, 6 and 8 of spades. Amongst the suites, as mentioned earlier the order is spades followed by diamonds followed by clubs followed by hearts
  • Pairs i.e. 2 of the three cards of the same number e.g. 2 aces and a 7. The ordering here is based on the order of the paired card which is based on individual card ordering as described above. (i.e. when two ‘pair’ games are to be compared, then the one with the higher pair wins)
  • Simple top card: if the cards have none of the possibilities above i.e. neither color nor sequence nor pair, then it is a simple ‘top card’ game i.e. the game is rated by the top card of the game i.e. an ‘ace top’ game is better than a ‘king top’ game. If the 2 top cards are same then the second highest card of the games is compared.
Lowest priority
This describes how to decide which 3 card game is higher in the ‘royal’ game.
Now to discuss some other rules like betting, blind , show and side-show.
Once the cards are dealt to each player, they have the option of either seeing their cards and betting money accordingly or betting money ‘blind’ i.e. without seeing their cards. The players who have seen their cards have to bet double the amount what the players who are blind are betting. At any time players can raise the stakes currently being bet e.g. if the current stake is 2 counters for seen, then a player can raise the stakes by betting 4 counters which means that the going stake will now be 4 counters and every subsequent player will have to play 4 counters if seen and 2 counters if blind. The option of playing blind is often a useful strategy, especially in some of the variations. There is certain limit set on how high the stakes can be raised. Usually, the max stake is 5 counters for blind and 10 counters for seen. There is also a limit how many rounds a player can go blind. Usually, the max number of blind rounds is 3, after which the players must see their cards.

For the complete set of rules, game variations and reference guides, please click HERE. (Update Daily !)
ALSO You can find more games and interesting apps at 9apps !

