
Modern Combat 5: Blackout Review PART THREE : Player classes

9game provided: Modern Combat 5: Blackout is the latest installment in Gameloft’s series of first person action games.

In the previous installment of the game, Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour, you could take class specializations that would give you perks to help you play as a sniper, demolition expert, support, and other types of soldiers, but it wasn't broken up into classes. Modern Combat 5 takes customization a bit further toward games like the Battlefield franchise with set classes. Before a fight, or after dying, you can choose from Assault, Sniper, Heavy Assault, or Recon. Each of the classes has a number of weapons and accessories you can unlock by playing the game and gaining experience.
You also earn skill points that you can use to upgrade class traits to make each class more powerful. As an example, with the Assault class you can choose an upgrade called Improved Gearbox to increase the number of grenades you can carry. The Heavy Assault class has a Bulletproof upgrade that reduces damage by 15 percent. What's great about this system is you can customize each class to focus on how you want to play the game, and it differentiates your character from other people playing the same class.

To read more information about Modern Combat 5: Blackout or other action games, you can click HERE.

